Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Police Brutality Verses Peaceful Protest

I watched the UC Davis pepper spray incident that happened in Davis,California.It was a shock to see a cop
use direct force on a peaceful group.And then motion another cop over with pepper spray,as he tries to un-
lock the students arms.In one view,the cop had his knee pressing in one student's back, as he laid on his stomach,from the exposure of pepper spray to the face.Why send a riot crew out to a protest.In the video, the officers were in no present dangers. So, why,they were showing who was the boss on campus and how they can bend the rules towards their advantages.Pepper spray,paint guns and billy clubs and all of that equipment was uncalled for.
This is one of many that is happening across this nation.So when does it end or when does the "real chaos" begin. By law everybody has the right for a peaceful assembly to speak of their grievances.But most of the time when this starts,city council swings into action to put a damper on the groups.Like the Mayor of Sacramento,trying to tell them to leave.Why leave? They should know that you and Obama are buddies.Like he fired the IG for Americorps, because it was an investigation on the misuse of grant money.But that's trash,still clogging in the Obamanomics River.

One person,part of OS,a person who is fully part of this movement and demonstration.I won't say much about this person,but Occupy Sacramento has been a peaceful protest,in the park.Why not in the park with me? This was a popup movement and going past the global mark.In some states,"protect and serve" is a joke.Like arrests are part of their monthly quota that they need on the job.City taxes and some federal money pays their salaries to work.I know that I sidetracked the question above.Had enough of a tent and the police.Most of them know of me by name and I just travel by.

Pretty soon the big picture of all of what is happening will hit and what happens next will shock the rest of the world in disbelief on how cruel this nation is.UC Davis was the tip of the sword,I'm waiting for the rest of the chaos created by the 1% will unfold in front of the world.

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