Symbols for people to see is a problem for me. I see a clenched fist raised for unity, but what about for the non violence part.So I sat down and drew out one symbol for all three as one.This creates a way to show all three at one.
Governor from the state I was from, moaning and complaining about Occupy Columbia,here's what I said:
Andy Grice Let me see,Governor Haley,how do I start about a state i moved from.Let's start off with the town i came from and they are the 1% of the mess of the city.Their belief of the laws was bending them to their advantage.How many people are unemployed from the criminals of Wall Street that had supporters from South Carolina.And how come there was no cuts in the Senate and Legislatures checks.If they sit on their buns and squawk about nothing that imply to anything that deals with laws. Times of the good days are gone and you moan about the Occupy Columbia protesters on the state grounds.You should worry more about the employment, and other problems.Unless you're gonna take away their rights? I think not... Zionink 2102 KniNoiz2012
So mote it be
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