Occupy sites across the US was raided over the weekend with police.What is described as a violation of their Constitutional Rights. The aspect from what have seen from afar from a group up here act in the non violent ways. But they still hold the faith of their beliefs on their rights. I respect that, but I do consider this in explaination of the harassment. I have watch one of the occupiers get arrested, but the cop had no right to grab the guy by the hair and jerked his head backforward up towards the sky.He wasn't resisting arrest. It was unusual that they didn't see one of their members get arrested,instead they see him in the backseat of the squadcar.
Chaos has already started with the Occupy by the local government,by evicting them from their emcampments and either jail them or make them dispurse to go home. I feel like this isn't going to happen with either sides. There will be more clashes, like mini battles across this nation.More like the butterfly effect, but when one camp raid ripples to other camps.
Establishments should be a foward look for this movement.Instead of recieving more police brutality placed upon them, they should seek a better solution to things that don't create chaos to the members.I don't consider it wrong to take over a public park to exercise their constitutional rights to assemble to speak of the wrongs of what is happened to this nation.
News media use anything that they can find to say the negativity of what is happening with all the Occupies out there.From the raids to the brutality of the police on either the occupiers or even the civilians there. The only thing that isn't brodcast to the world is the beliefs of why they protest against corporate America.They have their ways to brodcast their meetings and what they are there for.
President Obama said there would be change once he was elected, by the change hasn't came yet.The only change was bands of US citizens using their rights to change the way the nation is controlled by corporations that pay off the governments to look the other way.
You can read this and say,"you're wrong on how the government runs this nation",but I say you are wrong. The government bail out the banks, but does the same government help you out with your mortgage to keep you from losing your home.Most are too busy helping out their criminals on Wall Street.
Here where I'm at, this Occupy is a nice group that does not believe in violence,their belief is in non violence in this protest.No to provoke no violence towards anybody. They seperate themselves from the homeless of Sacramental.And it is Sacrackmental here.Sacrackmental city has an anti-camping ordinance for the city.Any camping equipment or things that is considered as camping equipment is a violation of the law. Even a simple bed pillow is considered as camping equipment.They took their pillows as evidence,took them to the office as evidence.Most of these college students need to see what happened to the counterpart of the protestors that were protesting for two years for a Safe Ground for the homeless. Mayor Kevin Johnson lied to them as of promise of more lies.
Back to square one again,two seperate groups, but with the same meaning, corruption throughout the land. I blame global warming on Corporate America and all of the express of the market crash.
The past is repeating like the Civil Rights Movement,Viet Nam Protests and this protest will have a future chaotic of violence served to them by cities polices until someone goes broke. When this happens, there will be broken bodies across this nation.
Mark my words, this shall come to pass, so mote it be....
KniNoiz 2012
ZionInk 2012
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